Harnessing The Power of Tailwind : Simplify and Supercharge Your Pinterest Marketing

Schedule for Success

The truth about marketing on Pinterest is that it can bring conversions to your business for YEARS. It’s not a short-term gain app like the social media platforms. Because of this, at some point success on Pinterest becomes pretty passive.

While growing a Pinterest is at the forefront of my mind for any business venture, I know how overwhelming it can be trying to juggle yet another marketing platform - insert Tailwind.

Not only is Tailwind the perfect scheduling app, they also make growing a business incredibly easy with tools like AI ghostwriter, design and business marketing plans.

Why Tailwind

Tailwind is meant to make your life easy. Schedule your pins in bulk with an easy to use interface that makes it incredibly user friendly. Tailwind lets you schedule your Pinterest and Instagram posts in one place - hello, cross-posting!

Once Tailwind gets familiar with your analytics, it will even tell you the best time to post for your brand.

One of my favorite key features on Pinterest is their marketing plan. This gives you ideas of what to post and when - great for when you’re feeling like you’ve run out of content ideas! This is customized based off a short survey that you fill out after signing up for Tailwind.

Ghostwriter is another great addition to Tailwind. This helps you write descriptions in no time! Enter your keywords and ghostwriter gets to work creating a caption that will help convert pinners into profits!

I’ve been using Tailwind to schedule my pins since 2019 and have used it for every one of my clients since. It’s an essential part of the success of me and my clients on Pinterest.


Tailwind offers analytics to help you really get the maximum effectiveness out of your pinning schedule.

With insights like engagement rates and follower growth can show you what is working and what might need a quick pivot.

Convenience + Conversions

Tailwind makes Pinterest success easy. Their tools are meant to help convert your pins into something profitable and lucrative for your business.

Besides the success factor, it’s also a great tool to help free up your time and give you room to work on the parts of your business that bring you joy.

The most convenient, time-saving tool that I love is Tailwind.