

need an easy way to clear your home of toxic chemicals and products?

You’ve read the ingredients, you’ve done the research, you’ve tried to replace things. But then the feeling of overwhelm kicks in and stops you dead in your tracks.

I’ve been there.

Eliminating toxins from your home is a daunting task that can also feel overwhelming - emotionally and financially!

Lucky for us, it doesn’t have to be. My journey to switching to a “low-tox” lifestyle has been in the works for years. I’ve read the ingredients, done the research and wasted TONS of money on products that I ended up absolutely hating.

I created this guide for the newbie (or seasoned vet) to have a resource to fall back on when things feel overwhelming. In this e-book I go over the top ingredients you want to look out for in each room of your home. We’ll cover cleaning products, personal care items and so much more.

I also share my favorite products, products that the EWG recommends and some DIY links for recipes you’re sure to love.

Making the switch doesn’t have to be complicated. This guide simplifies it and gives you the mental peace you’ll need to stay committed to quitting toxins in 2023.

If you’re ready to join me in kicking toxins to the curb and filling your home with products and items that can be used with peace of mind, join me in Eliminating Toxins in 2023.

You can click the link above or the image at the top of the screen to get your journey started today!

You’re overwhelmed by the thought of reading labels, learning ingredients and consuming all of the nonsensical words that fill the back of bottles - I get it.

This guide makes it EASY to hit the ground running by showing you Target’s safER options that are available at most local stores.

I say safer because Target isn’t most ideal place to buy non-toxic products, but they do have great options! The convenience and prices are what makes Target a great place to start your non toxic journey.

If you’re ready to start replacing the toxins with cleaner options then download your copy of the Target Girl’s Guide to Eliminating Toxins, get your toddler and your car keys, and let’s hit that Target run, bestie!